Notified Blog

New Report: Learn How Generative AI Is Transforming PR

Written by Raime Merriman | Oct 10, 2023 10:52:49 PM

At Notified, we believe in the power of stories.

That’s why we want to give public relations and investor relations professionals the artificial intelligence (AI) tools that push their stories out into the world, enabling engaging conversations and amplifying their voices.

Our new survey and report created in partnership with PRWeek reveals that AI has the potential to revolutionize PR. However, only a small percentage of PR pros have yet to fully embrace AI and put the new tools to work.

Given the speed at which AI technology is evolving, there is now an urgent need for PR teams to deepen their relationship with this game-changing technology. Coupled with human emotional intelligence and creativity, generative AI can improve our ability to tell stories and create moments of impact.

For those who want to increase their value and effectiveness, the time is now for learning how to leverage AI.

AI and PR: Talking About the Tools

The latest Notified/PRWeek survey helped us gain a deeper understanding of where PR pros are on their AI journey.

We asked respondents about a dozen generative AI tools, and whether they had used them.

The survey revealed large gaps between usage and recognition of all tools, but even the most well-recognized—ChatGPT—showed a big gap. While 96% of respondents had heard of it, only 35% used it with any regularity.

This underscores the potential that remains when it comes to understanding generative AI and putting its power to work in improving PR and IR communications.

What Can Generative AI Do for You?

We believe AI is a powerful brainstorming and strategic partner that can analyze massive amounts of data to identify trends, issues and audience insights that can inform PR strategy.

From content creation to media relations, PR practitioners are going to be putting generative AI to work. Our survey revealed that pros understand that AI can make them better at their jobs.

Among the communication functions where they are looking to utilize AI are:

  • Adopting speech-to-text technology
  • Improving data analysis capabilities
  • Improving SEO
  • Writing emails
  • Social media posts
  • Media monitoring
  • Media databases and targeting

However, the number of applications is surprisingly vast and covers many different aspects of PR communications.

The Gap Between PR Agencies and In-House Teams

Our survey found interesting differences between agencies and in-house professionals.

For example, more in-house professionals are interested in using generative AI for content creation, while more agency practitioners are interested in adopting AI for speech-to-text technology.

The results outline fascinating differences between the two approaches to PR.


Getting Enthusiastic for AI in PR

Our survey revealed that PR pros have a clear recognition of generative AI's potential to help them do their jobs better. But when it comes to the actual adoption of these new tools, they are lagging.

However, respondents also shared that they are enthusiastic about AI's ability to help tell stories, create content and be strategic. The time for adoption of generative AI in PR and IR is upon us. And Notified is excited to help you get started with integrated, intelligent and easy-to-use AI solutions for PR communications.

As AI comes up in our conversations around PR, curiosity and experimentation will drive us to discover how these new capabilities can be a part of our work and our clients’ success.

What conversations are you having? What still needs to be known? This is an amazing time to be in PR and we are excited to be a part of the journey. We hope that this report sparks new ideas and generates excitement for the possibilities of generative AI.

See how Notified is enabling PR with AI. Get a demo!